Tuesday, November 04, 2008

A letter to Senator Obama about Abortion

When I read the letter of Tiffany yesterday, I know how much she wants to be heard to stop the legality of abortion in the US if Barack Obama wins the election.
As a mom, I felt the pain she had gone through after her decision to end the life of her baby. So I am posting it here to support Tiffany’s campaign. Here’s the letter:

Senator Obama, abortion is not a healthy choice for Americans. I am begging you to reconsider your position with this moral topic should you become our president.

I will try my best to put words to my "choice."

Nineteen years old, I chose abortion. Sure, I could blame my boyfriend for not wanting the baby, but ultimately it was my choice. The worst choice I’ve ever made. I was too afraid to walk alone—pregnant.

In order to step into a cold, sterile abortion clinic, I had to emotionally die first. I don’t care what a woman’s beliefs are she cannot go through this procedure with a haunting that follows.

I know.

Sure, I tried to forget and move on with my life, but inside I couldn’t shake the reality of choosing death.

Death carries a sting.

Like a branding iron to my heart, I was wounded and forever scarred. Marked by my so called “choice.”

Senator Obama, you have two girls, can you honestly look into their eyes and say had they been conceived at a time other than your preferred choice that they don’t deserve a chance to live? a chance to change the world? to make a difference?

Senator Obama, have you ever sat through an abortion procedure? Have you seen the graphic images? Do you know how women are treated? Have you heard the moaning of a mom-to-be who sobbed for hours afterwards? What words could you possibly say to comfort her? None. The river of regret and shame runs too deep for words to penetrate.

I know.

Senator Obama, are you aware of Post-Abortion Syndrome(PAS)? Are you willing to comfort your girls should they decide to choose abortion someday? Because should abortion still be legal and an option, they will suffer. Even if from the outside she appears like she made it through unscathed, she is not okay. Something is bleeding underneath the surface.

I know.

My decision from almost two decades ago affected my marriage bed and relationship, my emotional well being every fall(the time of year I had my abortion), my ability to look deeply into the eyes of a newborn, and the way I morally view myself. It's a choice that keeps on giving. Giving death!

This “choice” comes with a price tag. A price tag I don’t want one more woman to pay.

Every woman who has had an abortion will one day have to look honestly into her reflection of her choices. Choosing death is not an image she should have look at and carry in her heart.

Choosing life is an image worth gazing at. Watching a baby grow up
is an amazing experience.

I know.

My two children, Justin and Hannah, are nothing but gifts to me. Not mistakes. Not punishment. Nothing can replace their faces, voices, words, tears, smiles, giggles, songs, talents, or their caring hearts. Their lives are impressed deeply into my heart. And so is a baby who never had a chance. A baby I love and will never forget. A baby named “Grace.”

(Please feel free to share this letter far and wide. The envelope symbol below forwards this post. I pray these words will change at least one woman’s heart who’s considering abortion. I pray these words will comfort the suffering who remain silent. I pray these words will change an undecided voter's choice. I pray someone out there, pregnant, sitting on the fence will choose LIFE!)


Tea with Tiffany said...

Thank you...May God use the of one formerly wounded one to touch many. And may God continue to bless America.

Oh, how far we've wandered. I'm praying for His mercy...

Your support blesses me more than you can know. Thank you for being bold and spreading this letter.

Michelle said...

Hi Tiffany,

You’re welcome. With a sincere heart like yours, I know that God will hear you. I’ll be praying for this too.

Michael Peligro said...

I was wondering what's the stand of your church regarding artificial contraception (condoms, pills, IUD, etc...) Should Christians use artificial contraception?

Michelle said...

Hi Mike,

Thank you for bringing up that topic.

Our church believes on contraception but only MARRIED COUPLES are allowed to use it, not as an abortifacient but for an effective and responsible family planning.

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